astronomer say 7.50   The fears are nonsense, astronomers say.
  astronomer be 4.28   But the astronomers are optimistic.
  astronomer believe 2.83   The astronomers believe their discovery helps change that.
  astronomer have 2.04   Astronomers have no inkling what it is.
  astronomer think 1.91   Astronomers think they have an explanation.
  astronomer find 1.84   Astronomers find new class of starlike objects.
  astronomer hope 1.71   Astronomers hope to begin using it by early May.
  astronomer use 1.65   Astronomers have used it to estimate what faraway stars look like.
  astronomer see 1.45   Astronomers have seen as much of the universe as they ever will.
  astronomer know 1.32   Astronomers know that is not the case.
  astronomer discover 1.18   Astronomers discover new planet.
  astronomer call 0.99   Astronomers call thied vision, he said.
  astronomer predict 0.99   Other astronomers predicted peak activity a day earlier, in the wee hours Thursday morning.
  astronomer observe 0.79   In time, astronomers observed two strange phenomena.
  astronomer expect 0.66   Astronomers expect no such stability on Neptune.
  astronomer look 0.66   Are astronomers looking for life in all the wrong places?
  astronomer measure 0.66   Astronomers measure such distances directly only in the case of the closest stars.
  astronomer learn 0.59   Astronomers have learned there are stupendous collections of superclusters.
  astronomer take 0.59   .com. Amateur astronomers take note.
  astronomer determine 0.53   An astronomer can determine the brightness of each star.
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