astronaut be 9.28   Want to be an astronaut?
  astronaut have 4.34   Even astronauts have to take out the trash.
  astronaut use 1.97   American shuttle astronauts use the same system.
  astronaut conduct 1.71   The shuttle astronauts conducted four spacewalks to hook up the beam.
  astronaut plan 1.51   The astronauts plan to pick the craft back up Wednesday.
  astronaut take 1.51   Astronauts take another spacewalk.
  astronaut try 1.45   Astronauts will try to grab satellite.
  astronaut go 1.38   An astronaut goes back to school.
  astronaut say 1.32   U.S. astronaut says Mir is safe.
  astronaut spend 1.12   U.S. astronauts usually spend only a week or two in orbit.
  astronaut work 1.12   Many more astronauts will be working in space.
  astronaut make 1.05   Admittedly, the astronauts would not make it home themselves.
  astronaut return 0.99   Astronaut returns to Earth.
  astronaut begin 0.92   Astronauts begin experiments in orbiting lab.
  astronaut venture 0.86   The astronauts ventured into the modules to prepare them for more assembly missions planned next year.
  astronaut wear 0.79   Its products were worn by astronauts on the Apollo space missions.
  astronaut lose 0.72   Will an older astronaut lose as much bone as younger ones?
  astronaut need 0.72   The astronauts needed five space walks to complete the mission.
  astronaut float 0.66   The astronauts floated a few supplies in and out of the station.
  astronaut get 0.66   The astronauts got theirs from a foil pouch.
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