asset be 21.66   His assets are in real estate.
  asset include 3.95   Assets include substantial goodwill.
  asset go 1.25   Money-losing assets went up for sale.
  asset grow 1.05   As assets grow, fund companies can realize economies of scale on fees.
  asset exceed 0.99   Assets exceeded debts, but never mind.
  asset have 0.99   Different assets have different rates of interest.
  asset remain 0.92   The assets will remain under one umbrella.
  asset become 0.72   The offense is laden with talent, and even that asset has become a problem.
  asset back 0.66   The bonds and loans will not be backed by assets.
  asset consist 0.66   Most bank assets consist of loans.
  asset shrink 0.53   Both assets have shrunk since New Hampshire.
  asset belong 0.46   The asset belongs to the lessor, and so capital allowances are not available to the company.
  asset come 0.46   Besides, his total assets came up shy of that amount.
  asset fall 0.46   The enemy strategic assets will largely fall into three distinct categories.
  asset increase 0.39   Similar size companies saw their assets increase almost six times as fast.
  asset seize 0.39   Aum has since been legally disbanded and its assets seized.
  asset decline 0.33   If the assets declined too far, you might not get all your capital back.
  asset fetch 0.33   Some analysts, however, were skeptical that the assets could fetch that much in a sale.
  asset outweigh 0.33   The company insists its assets outweigh its liabilities.
  asset own 0.33   This may be dealt with by each company selling to the purchaser such assets as it owns.
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