assert control 6.25   Yet Kennedy wastes no time asserting control.
  assert right 5.92   You also need to assert your rights.
  assert authority 5.66   Congress began to assert its authority.
  assert independence 4.08   Why was she asserting her independence?
  assert innocence 2.30   Afterward, she asserted her innocence.
  assert claim 1.91   But the Old World asserts its claims.
  assert power 1.38   He said nothing about going home to assert power.
  assert sovereignty 1.32   China swiftly asserted its sovereignty.
  assert leadership 0.99   Peres now invites Assad to assert his leadership in the cause of peace.
  assert primacy 0.79   Also, the parent subtly asserts primacy.
  assert dominance 0.72   By then, the Mutiny had asserted their dominance.
  assert jurisdiction 0.72   The Justice Ministry and the military have sent investigators to assert jurisdiction in the case.
  assert need 0.72   Other council members saw the Police Commission action as asserting the need for civilian oversight of the department.
  assert privilege 0.72   For example, the White House asserted unfounded privileges that were later rejected in court.
  assert identity 0.66   Canada must assert its identity and flourish within a unified system.
  assert superiority 0.53   It asserts American superiority.
  assert influence 0.46   Again, Jordan has asserted his influence.
  assert will 0.46   I can no longer assert my will over my Thinkpad.
  assert interest 0.39   National and ethnic minorities continued to assert their interests.
  assert value 0.39   Preservation is now being called upon to assert the value of such distinctions.
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