ask question 183.28   Feel free to ask questions.
  ask permission 12.90   Ask their permission.
  ask authority 12.44   The BBC has asked the authorities to reconsider.
  ask people 12.24   Ask those people now.
  ask court 9.81   Foo asked the court.
  ask lot 7.83   It is asking a lot.
  ask judge 7.11   Witten asked the judge.
  ask doctor 6.45   Ask your doctor.
  ask friend 6.25   Ask my friends.
  ask official 6.06   Rambis asked the official.
  ask government 5.73   It has asked the government for financial aid.
  ask forgiveness 5.40   Ask forgiveness.
  ask reporter 5.40   Wolfe asks a reporter.
  ask man 4.54   Ask any man.
  ask opinion 4.48   Ask her opinion.
  ask commission 4.28   He too asked the commission for financial aid.
  ask woman 4.28   Ask any woman.
  ask direction 4.21   We asked directions.
  ask member 4.08   Ask other members.
  ask company 3.82   Ask the company for references.
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