ash cloud 1.65   An ash cloud can severely damage a plane in several ways.
  ash tray 1.25   You want an ash tray?
  ash tree 1.25   He said, an ash tree a foot high is still an ash tree.
  ash fall 0.99   Small towns and farms near the volcano have been blanketed by heavy ash falls.
  ash heap 0.86   I like this broken chiottes on the ash heap.
  ash plume 0.66   No ash plume was visible on Monday.
  ash eruption 0.39   Ruapehu has been producing variable ash eruptions since Saturday morning.
  ash fallout 0.39   Favorable winds kept much of the ash fallout away from the area on Tuesday.
  ash deposit 0.33   Many of the fragments were found in ash deposits.
  ash particle 0.33   The airborne ash particles act like a filter, selectively allowing blue light through the smokey pall aloft.
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