arresting officer 5.99   The arresting officer came forward.
  arresting people 1.84   Long past midnight, police combed the streets, beating and arresting people.
  arresting suspect 1.58   Green said authorities were arresting suspects Friday.
  arresting man 1.18   Police discovered another bomb just before arresting two men from North Caucasus in the bombing.
  arresting militant 1.12   Arafat arresting militants, but does he have clout to keep them in check?
  arresting image 0.92   But at times he strains for an arresting image.
  arresting dozen 0.53   Russian forces responded by arresting dozens of people and tightening security measures.
  arresting member 0.53   The Kenyans had taken care of the more serious threat, he said, by arresting members of al-Haramain.
  arresting activist 0.46   The incursion was aimed at arresting Palestinian activists accused of plotting attacks in Israel.
  arresting hundred 0.46   Turkish authorities have been arresting hundreds of would-be refugees.
  arresting journalist 0.46   He has been suppressing the truth by arresting journalists who dare to report from the front lines and silencing independent TV commentators.
  arresting leader 0.46   Hanoi has responded by arresting church leaders.
  arresting protester 0.46   But police began arresting protesters as they gathered at Freedom Square in central Minsk, preempting the demonstration.
  arresting score 0.46   But after arresting scores of her supporters, police surrounded her house early Saturday with barricades to keep her inside.
  arresting demonstrator 0.33   Then, they began arresting demonstrators.
  arresting civilian 0.26   That means the military is barred from such things as seizing evidence or arresting civilians.
  arresting feature 0.26   The new museum has many arresting features.
  arresting figure 0.26   The most arresting figure, however, is de los Reyes.
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