arrest follow 6.19   Two people were arrested following the incident.
  arrest be 5.60   To be arrested for indecent exposure?
  arrest try 1.45   He was arrested trying to return to Malaysia.
  arrest carry 0.59   At first, government officials said he was arrested carrying plans.
  arrest pend 0.59   All were arrested pending deportation hearings.
  arrest prevent 0.53   Many of the indictments, however, are kept secret until the accused is arrested in order to prevent defendants from fleeing.
  arrest involve 0.46   When the plotters carried out their plan, the Shin Bet jumped in and dramatically arrested those involved.
  arrest base 0.39   In most instances, the troops have gone in for only a few hours to arrest suspects based on intelligence information.
  arrest include 0.39   A number of students were arrested including members of the student council.
  arrest suspect 0.39   It would allow open access to pursue, board and arrest suspected drug traffickers in Caribbean territorial waters and airspace.
  arrest accord 0.33   He was defrocked when he was arrested, according to Thai law.
  arrest cross 0.33   Filipino fishermen from Tawi-Tawi also are frequently arrested crossing the border.
  arrest enter 0.33   Karatas had been jailed since last September when he was arrested entering France on a forged Dutch passport.
  arrest face 0.33   Staggie was then himself arrested to face charges of obstruction, police said.
  arrest indict 0.33   Under the Dayton peace accord, the primary responsibility for arresting those indicted for war crimes lies with local police.
  arrest say 0.33   However other sources said they were arrested.
  arrest drive 0.26   Two days later, five more men, also armed, were arrested driving down from Johannesburg.
  arrest protest 0.26   As a freshman, she was arrested protesting the Vietnam War.
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