arouse suspicion 10.40   The proposal aroused suspicions.
  arouse interest 3.95   The series has aroused considerable interest.
  arouse concern 3.16   The arrests aroused the concern of the Spanish government.
  arouse opposition 2.57   The new tax aroused bitter opposition.
  arouse passion 2.17   The issue arouses strong passions.
  arouse fear 1.84   But you aroused those fears only to force exile.
  arouse ire 1.84   That may be why Bank Bali has aroused so much ire.
  arouse emotion 1.65   They were a device to arouse emotions.
  arouse anger 1.45   Such arrogance always aroused the anger of the gods.
  arouse curiosity 1.45   Or at least arouses curiosity.
  arouse controversy 1.32   The audits have aroused controversy.
  arouse speculation 1.18   His young death has aroused intense speculation ever since.
  arouse sympathy 1.18   It arouses sympathy for him from us.
  arouse enthusiasm 1.05   Other potential nominees had aroused little enthusiasm in Washington.
  arouse feeling 0.99   The music aroused a feeling of calm within him.
  arouse protest 0.86   The plan had aroused widespread protests in France.
  arouse criticism 0.59   His suggestion has aroused scornful criticism.
  arouse attention 0.53   The comments aroused immediate attention.
  arouse anxiety 0.46   His presence in restricted areas had aroused the anxiety of the Soviets.
  arouse hostility 0.46   Pictures of refugees aroused popular hostility towards the war.
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