army spokesman 102.04   An army spokesman described the move as defensive.
  army officer 88.15   Army officers guide traffic.
  army troop 56.62   Army airborne troops wear a red beret.
  army commander 50.69   The East Timor army commander, Brig. -Gen.
  army official 44.50   Army officials are hesitant.
  army unit 38.84   Their army unit guarded the border.
  army radio 37.00   Army radio reported three dead.
  army soldier 36.67   Army soldiers looked on.
  army base 33.71   A bomb has exploded at an army base in Texas.
  army helicopter 24.29   Army helicopters clattered nearby.
  army chief 22.58   Army chief says guerrillas will hit back.
  army patrol 20.74   Army patrols combed the area.
  army barrack 19.16   And they opted for an army barracks.
  army post 17.45   Rebels capture five army posts.
  army position 15.93   None of the firebombs hit soldiers or army positions directly.
  army statement 15.08   An army statement said the man.
  army checkpoint 14.68   No crowds gathered near the army checkpoints.
  army camp 14.61   She says they should go to army camps.
  army headquarters 13.89   He was later taken to army headquarters in Amman.
  army source 10.47   A Bosnian army source blamed the Serb rebels.
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