arid region 2.76   Need a morning glory adapted to an arid region?
  arid land 1.91   Taking cattle off taxpayer-owned arid Western lands.
  arid climate 1.25   Very few plants can flourish in such an arid climate.
  arid desert 1.12   Very little can grow in this arid desert.
  arid area 0.86   Rustling and shoot-outs are common in the arid area.
  arid plain 0.86   Kano rests on an arid plain a hot breeze away from the Sahara desert.
  arid state 0.59   Until now, Texas has largely avoided the contentious political fights over water familiar to arid Western states like Arizona.
  arid condition 0.53 strains of crops that can withstand arid conditions.
  arid country 0.53   Much of Namibia is arid country and only fit for raising goats.
  arid landscape 0.46   The arid landscape around Reno, Nev., has been more parched than usual during the current water year.
  arid mountain 0.33   In the arid mountains, the ancient traditions of a society steeped in violence have persisted.
  arid valley 0.33   Maroon-walled Buddhist monasteries rise fortress-like from arid valleys.
  arid expanse 0.26   How could so many dinosaurs and other animals survive in an arid expanse of sand?
  arid hillside 0.26   Flags flew and tanks fired practice rounds into arid hillsides in a display of strength.
  arid north 0.26   Kano is a large city of around two million people in the arid far north of Nigeria.
  arid south 0.26   Both discovery sites are in the arid south of Peru, near Arequipa.
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