area of 912.58   An area of outstanding natural beauty.
  area in 210.80   Launching the Poison in the Pipeline?
  area for 115.14   Maybe its area for famous memories...
  area with 85.19   And living in the area with him.
  area around 76.17   By night, NATO bombed the area around them.
  area on 56.48   They are for that area on the Greater York study.
  area near 50.43   I opt to park in the area near the fence.
  area as 50.03   The same area as you.
  area such_as 44.63   Areas such as Times Square and Chelsea have perked up.
  area from 41.01   Settlers came to this area from the east.
  area under 35.94   That issue was one of several areas under review.
  area to 35.22   It is a hard area to police.
  area like 34.04   Areas like rural Nebraska have failed to keep up.
  area by 32.52   Signs define areas by use.
  area at 27.98   -Do only one area at a time.
  area after 23.24   Black smoke rose from the wooded areas after the raids.
  area between 18.17   Fill area between screed rails with sand.
  area outside 14.02   Demand is equally great in other areas outside Boston.
  area during 13.03   Mulch the root area well during winter.
  area along 12.90   -- In Montana, an area along the Missouri River.
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