arctic air 13.63   The arctic air of deep winter.
  arctic refuge 3.16   The arctic refuge, clearly, is an emotional topic.
  arctic chill 2.63   He could feel the arctic chill creeping into the cabin.
  arctic region 1.65   Much of those reserves are in the arctic region.
  arctic ice 1.32   This warning follows the discovery by American researchers of an ancient virus in Arctic ice.
  arctic front 1.25   An arctic front will slice across the Great Lakes on Tuesday.
  arctic water 1.18   Studies show that arctic waters act as a sink for organochlorines.
  arctic cold 1.12   The wave of Arctic cold hit Poland on Monday.
  arctic wildlife 1.12   Opposes plan to permit oil drilling near the Arctic wildlife refuge.
  arctic blast 0.72   The news hit Chicago like an Arctic blast.
  arctic coast 0.59   The tundra parcel is located between the Brooks Range and the Arctic coast.
  arctic explorer 0.59   Ross was an arctic explorer and popular hero.
  arctic island 0.59   The Arctic island is a semiautonomous territory that is part of Denmark.
  arctic winter 0.59   Arctic winter has given this beleaguered region a respite.
  arctic condition 0.53   Its virtue as a base was its arctic conditions.
  arctic tundra 0.53   Nearly all of the territory is Arctic tundra, the haunt of polar bear and caribou.
  arctic wilderness 0.53   Dole supports more drilling and oil exploration in the Arctic wilderness preserve.
  arctic expedition 0.46   Ms. Murphy was not alone in her arctic expedition.
  arctic sea 0.46   No Italian trees in sight in this heavily computerized vision of flying whales romping through arctic seas and skies.
  arctic weather 0.46   But no return to arctic weather has yet been forecast.
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