arabic newspaper 5.86   Arabic newspapers which called on all Palestinians to strike.
  arabic language 3.09   The Arabic language is the official one.
  arabic word 2.44   Jihad is the Arabic word for holy war.
  arabic script 2.17   Mahfouz writes all his works in Arabic script.
  arabic music 1.84   I asked if I could play for him some Arabic music.
  arabic name 1.84   Many non-Arab Muslims have Arabic names.
  arabic speaker 1.51   The shortage of Arabic speakers is already being felt.
  arabic literature 0.99   He has a passion for Arabic literature and Western classical music.
  arabic writing 0.99   It will introduce youngsters to Arabic writing and traditional dress.
  arabic translation 0.92   The company is receiving more requests for Arabic translations.
  arabic coffee 0.66   Free Arabic coffee was served.
  arabic calligraphy 0.53   These include abstract animals and Arabic calligraphy.
  arabic translator 0.53   The hearing was delayed until Thursday, after the men said they needed Arabic translators.
  arabic acronym 0.46   Hamas, an Arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement, seeks to replace Israel with an Islamic Palestinian state, according to the State Department.
  arabic class 0.46   A wood shop is available, as are Arabic classes.
  arabic country 0.46   Cardamom is also frequently used to flavor coffee in Arabic countries.
  arabic satellite 0.46   The tape, date uncertain, was broadcast on Arabic satellite television.
  arabic service 0.46   The BBC said it was seeking other investors to keep its Arabic service going.
  arabic television 0.46   The criticism was broadcast by an Arabic television station.
  arabic version 0.46   There is an Arabic version as well as the English version.
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