approve treat 2.11   No drugs have been approved to treat apnea.
  approve be 0.59   The plan has, however, yet to be approved by Sharon and the Palestinians.
  approve set_up 0.46   The cabinet also approved setting up a council of elders to act as a national media council.
  approve make 0.39   Giuliani did not appear with Safir, but made clear he approved of the news conference.
  approve attend 0.33   Journalists approved to attend the trial were fingerprinted.
  approve help 0.33   The new names were approved to help relieve domain name overcrowding.
  approve fight 0.26   Rival promoter Bob Arum doubts Holyfield will be approved to fight here.
  approve follow 0.26   His release was approved following a judicial review which reportedly determined he was not considered a flight risk.
  approve give 0.26   WASHINGTON - Senate approves bill giving Congress new power to review and veto new government regulations.
  approve go 0.26   The engineer, John J. DeCurtis, passed that test, and was approved to go back to work.
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