approach be 101.45   This approach to death was appealing.
  approach work 14.75   His approach worked.
  approach have 9.41   The approach has casualties.
  approach make 5.66   Does the approach make sense?
  approach seem 5.13   Her approach seems to work.
  approach help 4.61   That approach helped produce impressive results.
  approach allow 3.42   The approach allowed Hostetler to call plays and assert control.
  approach lead 3.29   That approach has often led to trouble.
  approach give 2.44   That approach gave Lakoski important benefits.
  approach require 2.30   The new approach will require fewer engineers.
  approach fail 2.11   Even that approach failed.
  approach come 2.04   His new approach came not a moment too soon.
  approach create 1.84   The approach also creates a clash over style.
  approach produce 1.84   The approach has produced superior results.
  approach take 1.84   This approach often takes parents by surprise.
  approach involve 1.78   Another approach involves decoys.
  approach change 1.71   Our approach has changed.
  approach prove 1.58   Some approaches have proved disappointing.
  approach provide 1.58   This approach provides them that opportunity.
  approach appear 1.51   The approach appeared to be working.
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