appease critic 1.84   The sale is meant to appease critics.
  appease protester 0.99   His appointment, however, did not appease the protesters.
  appease concern 0.92   Since then, Coke has toned down its offer to appease those concerns.
  appease group 0.92   Democracy groups were not appeased.
  appease public 0.86   They had to have a scapegoat to appease the public and they chose Captain McVay.
  appease spirit 0.86   Church bells are rung to appease evil spirits.
  appease regulator 0.79   And Pepsi may have to sell All-Sport to appease antitrust regulators.
  appease hard-liner 0.72   Both leaders must appease hard-liners at home, and neither can appear to give away too much.
  appease anger 0.59   But the Yugoslav army may now intervene to appease popular anger over the defeat.
  appease shareholder 0.59   That may have appeased a few shareholders.
  appease voter 0.59   It will take more than that to appease voters weary of their squabbling lawmakers.
  appease demand 0.53   Critics say the investigation focused on lower-ranking scapegoats in a bid to appease demands for reform.
  appease god 0.53   They made sacrifices to appease the gods.
  appease people 0.53   This was a clever attempt to appease the people, but it backfired.
  appease conservative 0.46   Cheney appeased conservatives who may have thought of Bush as too moderate.
  appease opponent 0.46   It was unclear whether the reorganization would appease opponents.
  appease supporter 0.46   He may be trying to appease his supporters on the religious right.
  appease opposition 0.39   They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.
  appease politician 0.39   He also fired four Cabinet Ministers in an effort to appease opposition politicians.
  appease rebel 0.39   It was uncertain if his action would appease the rebels, who also want land reform and a withdrawal of army troops.
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