apocalyptic term 1.38   Others cast the killings in apocalyptic terms.
  apocalyptic vision 1.32   It played right into the apocalyptic vision they had.
  apocalyptic cult 0.92   An apocalyptic cult was blamed.
  apocalyptic prediction 0.59   No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions.
  apocalyptic view 0.59   Then, there is the apocalyptic view.
  apocalyptic fantasy 0.39   People clearly wanted to get back to apocalyptic fantasy.
  apocalyptic war 0.39   The Essenes believed an apocalyptic war would wipe out theirs.
  apocalyptic scenario 0.33   Certainly, he is wishing that this apocalyptic scenario will occur, the sooner the better.
  apocalyptic ending 0.26   Another apocalyptic ending for the Braves, one that left Bobby Cox seething.
  apocalyptic landscape 0.26   Before them was an apocalyptic landscape of burnt villages and bomb craters.
  apocalyptic prophecy 0.26   As in book stores, apocalyptic prophecy held a fascination.
  apocalyptic proportion 0.26   The devastation of Virunga is continuing, including poaching of apocalyptic proportions.
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