anticipated earnings 1.78   In what is the most anticipated earnings report of the quarter, IBM.
  anticipated increase 1.65   Banking stocks were mixed ahead of the anticipated increase in British interest rates.
  anticipated demand 1.32   Most lines are building new vessels to meet the anticipated demand.
  anticipated budget 1.25   Clinton wants to use part of the anticipated budget surplus.
  anticipated slowdown 1.25   Retail stocks were paying a price for an anticipated economic slowdown.
  anticipated announcement 1.12   The Celtics made the widely anticipated announcement at their practice facility.
  anticipated revenue 1.12   They essentially have almost no anticipated revenue.
  anticipated growth 0.99   -- Do you have enough telephone lines to meet anticipated growth?
  anticipated matchup 0.99   This is the most anticipated matchup.
  anticipated cut 0.92   Anticipated cuts from non-OPEC players Russia, Angola and Malaysia did not materialize.
  anticipated cost 0.86   You pay a retainer fee based on the anticipated cost of getting divorced.
  anticipated return 0.86   Maybe the anticipated return of Harris Barton and Chris Dalman will help for this year.
  anticipated event 0.79   Creative assaults on NBA rims used to be anticipated events.
  anticipated match 0.79   But the anticipated wrestling match never materialized.
  anticipated move 0.79   The bond market may have overreacted to anticipated Fed moves.
  anticipated loss 0.66   The anticipated loss of two events is not the end of unwelcome news.
  anticipated meeting 0.66   U.S. officials awaited an anticipated third meeting with the downed crew members.
  anticipated surplus 0.66   It will be paid with city funds and an anticipated surplus.
  anticipated change 0.59   The anticipated change in strategic policy is certain to draw criticism.
  anticipated profit 0.59   And early indications suggest that the anticipated profit demise was greatly exaggerated.
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