ancient time 16.06   Polio harks back to ancient times.
  ancient city 11.26   They excavated an ancient city.
  ancient world 7.97   The ancient world oozes meaning.
  ancient temple 7.70   He said no damage had been caused to the ancient temple.
  ancient art 7.57   Shows of ancient art have a fusty reputation.
  ancient tradition 7.50   Another ancient tradition?
  ancient site 6.78   But there are far more ancient sites.
  ancient capital 6.06   Cuzco is the ancient capital of the Incas.
  ancient culture 5.99   But Americans are unfettered by ancient culture.
  ancient civilization 4.81   Ancient civilizations win MacArthurs.
  ancient ruin 4.74   Fire threatens ancient ruins.
  ancient people 3.62   Ancient people wrote on parchment.
  ancient artifact 3.49   They recovered tons of ancient artifacts - and hundreds of ancient Nubians.
  ancient text 3.36   Sequences are the ancient texts.
  ancient language 2.96   Ancient languages still serve.
  ancient practice 2.63   These ancient practices still survive in some regions.
  ancient statue 2.63   Ruth sat among the Scarabae like a living plant among ancient statues.
  ancient ritual 2.57   It was an ancient ritual.
  ancient forest 2.30   They form the ancient forest in the Tongass.
  ancient monument 2.30   Ancient monuments are protected by law.
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