amish country 1.18   I only hope it was Amish country.
  amish community 1.12   Fires are destroying barns in an Amish community in Iowa.
  amish farmer 0.86   The animals belonged to Amish farmers.
  amish family 0.66   He shoes horses for the Amish families in the area.
  amish child 0.53   Amish children only attend school through eighth grade.
  amish farm 0.46   They also tour an Amish farm.
  amish man 0.46   The speeches featured an Amish man who was an alcoholic.
  amish buggy 0.39   Witnesses said it flipped an Amish buggy parked at a market.
  amish quilt 0.39   Amish quilts are characterized by intricate piecing designs, quality fabrics and superb quilting.
  amish woman 0.39   Or to see Amish women in dainty bonnets riding to work in taxis.
  amish settlement 0.33   Virtually all Amish settlements forbid television in homes.
  amish youth 0.26   Amish youth must join the church before they can marry.
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