amendment be 21.26   But the amendment is far from dead.
  amendment require 5.40   The amendments require presidential approval.
  amendment allow 5.00   The Byrd amendment would allow the dumping to proceed.
  amendment pass 4.67   The amendment passed.
  amendment make 3.42   Most think the mother amendment will never make it, though.
  amendment have 2.70   But now the amendment has many takers.
  amendment fail 2.57   The amendment failed.
  amendment give 2.30   The amendment gives the president several powers.
  amendment go 1.97   But this amendment goes much farther.
  amendment need 1.25   The amendments still need the approval of the Senate.
  amendment include 1.12   The amendment will not include a definition of taxes, Barton said.
  amendment prohibit 1.12   The amendment does not prohibit unbalanced budgets.
  amendment apply 1.05   The amendment applies no such stamp of approval.
  amendment stand 0.99   The amendment stood no chance of being passed.
  amendment provide 0.92   This amendment provides for telemedicine -- critical for rural areas.
  amendment bar 0.86   Read literally, the amendment bars lawsuits against states by outsiders and foreigners.
  amendment force 0.86   Opponents said the amendment would unduly force childless Americans to subsidize parents.
  amendment prevent 0.86   The amendment prevents Congress from passing immediate salary increases for itself.
  amendment say 0.86   That is what this amendment says.
  amendment become 0.79   If accepted, the amendment becomes a part of the Constitution.
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