altered food 4.34   Genetically altered food spurs debate.
  altered crop 2.17   Farm groups argue that genetically altered crops use less pesticide.
  altered state 2.11   Yeah, certainly is an altered state.
  altered corn 1.71   In Mexico, a major tortilla maker is avoiding altered corn.
  altered gene 1.32   Each one signifies an altered gene.
  altered version 1.25   U.S. viewers will see a slightly altered version.
  altered cell 0.99   The altered cells are then inserted back into the body.
  altered plant 0.99   The altered plant is resistant to the disease, at least for now.
  altered product 0.86   The rules require labeling of genetically altered products.
  altered form 0.79   And here the diets were back again, in slightly altered form.
  altered mouse 0.72   This genetically altered mouse is ultra-sensitive.
  altered virus 0.53   The altered virus was injected into the brains of aged monkeys.
  altered document 0.46   Jones acknowledged the defense does not have any such altered document.
  altered landscape 0.46   The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.
  altered seed 0.46   Agribusinesses already make genetically altered seeds resistant to insects and herbicides.
  altered soybean 0.46   Anderau said the German supplier had assured Kraft-Jacobs-Suchard that the lecithin was free of genetically altered soybeans.
  altered animal 0.39   The name is also a nod to the altered animal spelling of the Beatles.
  altered image 0.39   However, just thinking about his altered image can render him speechless.
  altered pig 0.39   The group announced Wednesday they also have produced the first genetically altered cloned pigs.
  altered protein 0.39   Eight patients received the altered protein in the NIH tests.
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