alive in 33.51   Her sister is alive in Liege.
  alive with 24.42   The pond was alive with fish.
  alive by 11.26   It was kept alive by Jets errors.
  alive for 9.87   Appeals kept them alive for years.
  alive after 5.40   The Stars came alive after that.
  alive on 4.74   I come alive on stage.
  alive from 4.48   Four were plucked alive from the sea.
  alive as 3.03   But he never comes alive as an interesting foil.
  alive at 3.03   She was last seen alive at his home.
  alive to 2.24   The book had come alive to me.
  alive through 2.11   Before he died, he was paralyzed and kept alive through a feeding tube.
  alive under 1.91   The victims were buried alive under their tin roof house.
  alive during 1.71   And streets are alive during the day.
  alive until 1.32   But they were mathematically alive until now.
  alive against 0.92   John Smoltz will try to keep Atlanta alive against Todd Stottlemyre.
  alive inside 0.86   The baby was found alive inside a cardboard box.
  alive among 0.79   Her legacy remains alive among the Cuban people.
  alive than 0.72   George Burns was never more alive than onstage.
  alive without 0.72   Prisoners were dissected alive without anesthetics.
  alive beneath 0.66   Homosexuals are buried alive beneath a stone wall.
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