alarm investor 1.71   But that fear did not alarm investors.
  alarm people 1.51   So far the opposition have alarmed people.
  alarm official 1.32   The federal raids have angered and alarmed local officials.
  alarm group 1.05   That has alarmed civil liberty groups in some states.
  alarm government 0.99   Howard denied the result would alarm his government.
  alarm parent 0.86   The cases should alarm parents, Garrison said.
  alarm resident 0.79   City residents are similarly alarmed by the trend.
  alarm authority 0.72   The swift advance has understandably alarmed leading authorities on ethics and medicine.
  alarm advocate 0.66   Still, consumer advocates were alarmed by the prospect of regional Bell companies linking up.
  alarm leader 0.66   This alarmed Japanese leaders who favored peace.
  alarm public 0.66   I, myself, have serious, serious reservations... how it may alarm the public?
  alarm market 0.59   The news alarms the market, which dumps Intel stock.
  alarm member 0.59   That alarms UAW members who want jobs for their children.
  alarm environmentalist 0.53   Environmentalists are alarmed by the increase in pollution.
  alarm expert 0.53   The prospect of violating that policy alarms some experts.
  alarm activist 0.39   That idea alarms environmental activists.
  alarm police 0.39   But the abandoned red knapsack that alarmed police turned out to be harmless.
  alarm consumer 0.33   Most of the food industry opposes labeling, however, saying it might alarm consumers.
  alarm lawmaker 0.33   That prospect has alarmed some lawmakers.
  alarm nation 0.33   The maker of two popular brands of Christmas cake launched a counteroffensive Sunday after a rat poison scare that alarmed the nation.
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