agreed price 1.32   A new agreed price has yet to be decided.
  agreed level 0.86   High prices last year prompted OPEC to nudge output even higher above its agreed levels.
  agreed date 0.72   The work was not finished by the agreed date.
  agreed target 0.72   Suppliers give Wickes rebates if sales of their products reach agreed targets.
  agreed timetable 0.72   Copmpleting all work within the agreed timetable.
  agreed term 0.66   Lavin has been receiving regular payments based on the agreed terms.
  agreed deadline 0.59   The work was expected to be finished by the agreed deadline.
  agreed bid 0.53   It is the first agreed bid.
  agreed procedure 0.53   IFOR maintains that refugees should return on the basis of agreed procedures.
  agreed standard 0.53   But it also requires agreed standards.
  agreed amount 0.46   There have been reports that Spurs believed they had not been paid the agreed amount for Klinsmann by Bayern Munich.
  agreed policy 0.46   The commission has also been accused of failing in its role of carrying out agreed EU policies.
  agreed time 0.46   To read their file, people must arrive at a previously agreed time and place.
  agreed agendum 0.39   The first order of business will be to come up with an agreed agenda.
  agreed rate 0.39   The agreed rates are only minimum rates.
  agreed statement 0.39   An agreed statement issued by the Indian government at the end of the talks made no mention of Kashmir.
  agreed takeover 0.39   Entergy of the United States finalised an agreed takeover of the regional supply company London Electricity.
  agreed text 0.39   A statement issued after the talks said progress was made toward an agreed text of a new agreement.
  agreed formula 0.33   What should that internationally agreed formula be?
  agreed list 0.33   NATO would then be free to select its targets from an agreed list.
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