agree ceasefire 1.91   Unions have not yet agreed the ceasefire however.
  agree term 1.65   Terms were agreed in advance.
  agree date 1.58   We never agreed a date.
  agree deal 1.45   Cruyff said was pleased the deal has been agreed.
  agree plan 1.25   In March the two sides had agreed a plan to reduce the debt.
  agree measure 0.92   The measure was agreed when Mandela met German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn in May.
  agree fee 0.86   The clubs have still to agree a fee.
  agree truce 0.72   The Front agreed a truce with the government in July.
  agree price 0.66   We agreed a price for the bike.
  agree proposal 0.66   When the counsellors were ready, they met again with the king and agreed their proposals.
  agree detail 0.59   The details will be agreed at a later date.
  agree meeting 0.59   In principle, a further meeting had been agreed, he said.
  agree move 0.59   The move was agreed by councillors at a special finance sub-committee meeting.
  agree objective 0.59   We agree the objective of addressing that problem.
  agree rule 0.59   Lee said he hoped these rules could be agreed by May.
  agree accord 0.53   Those sanctions were mostly lifted when Milosevic agreed the Bosnian peace accord last fall.
  agree settlement 0.53   Eventually a settlement was agreed and Crawley went to Hampshire.
  agree timetable 0.53   The two countries are to try to agree a timetable for formal talks.
  agree arrangement 0.46   Agree flexible arrangements for your son to visit.
  agree cease-fire 0.46   An uneasy cease-fire was agreed upon last summer between the two former Soviet republics.
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