age wine 1.32   The wine is aged in oak barrels.
  age population 0.53   Danziger said Western countries, especially those with ageing populations, need labour.
  age child 0.39   This is a unique and magical game for preschool and kindergarten aged children.
  age cheese 0.33   The hard-curd cheese is aged until it becomes dry and pungent.
  age group 0.26   The band members were mostly middle-aged, more or less the same age group as Hashim.
  age star 0.26   Brazil also boasts its share of ageing stars.
  age survivor 0.26   The United States, Israel and various European countries then participated in an effort to speed up compensation to aging Holocaust survivors.
  age three 0.26   She joins sisters Sophia, age five, and Sistine, age three.
  age year 0.26   One step up are crianza wines, which must age a year in wood.
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