affect people 17.71   It affects people differently.
  affect price 12.18   And how will it affect prices?
  affect outcome 11.72   These things affect the outcome.
  affect market 10.86   How will it affect the market?
  affect life 10.34   Did it affect my life?
  affect business 9.94   Businesses are also affected.
  affect area 9.22   High north swells to affect area.
  affect performance 9.15   That can affect performance.
  affect sale 7.83   That affects sales somewhat.
  affect ability 7.77   But it never affected my ability.
  affect country 7.37   It affects the country.
  affect child 7.04   How will it affect the children?
  affect way 6.91   It will also affect the rest of us.
  affect decision 6.65   He did not say how that might affect the decision.
  affect operation 6.19   Would the heat affect the operation?
  affect service 6.06   Subway service was not affected.
  affect company 5.99   Pooling only affects phone companies.
  affect economy 5.79   Health affects economies.
  affect part 5.79   Famine soon affected many parts of the country.
  affect relation 5.79   It could also affect trade relations.
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