advocacy group 72.81   Advocacy groups claim the number is much higher.
  advocacy organization 4.48   Consumer advocacy organizations were wary.
  advocacy community 0.53   Not all in the advocacy community blame Nader.
  advocacy effort 0.46   But Brock warned that advocacy efforts will not be met with universal support.
  advocacy campaign 0.39   Since then Sabanovic has become a one-person advocacy campaign for people disabled by the war.
  advocacy role 0.39   But Fleming said neither he nor CIVIC will become directly involved in an advocacy role.
  advocacy ad 0.33   Nor is it compelled to run advocacy ads at all.
  advocacy commercial 0.33   The bill would also curb issue advocacy commercials by outside groups in periods before an election.
  advocacy work 0.33   And so the wide-ranging advocacy work continues.
  advocacy advertisement 0.26   Such advocacy advertisements are free speech, he said.
  advocacy advertising 0.26   The group illustrates an increasingly popular approach to advocacy advertising.
  advocacy director 0.26   Reed Brody, advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, conceded there is a potential for abuse.
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