advisory panel 36.01   The advisory panel disagreed with the decision.
  advisory committee 28.24   A scholarly advisory committee was formed.
  advisory craft 21.72   A small craft advisory is in effect.
  advisory board 21.13   Currently, she is on the advisory board.
  advisory group 10.40   Staff of other advisory groups.
  advisory council 10.27   Gorbachev leads an NTV advisory council.
  advisory body 8.16   It serves mainly as an advisory body.
  advisory role 6.45   Davis will keep an advisory role.
  advisory service 4.94   Delia, you yourself run an advisory service.
  advisory commission 4.34   Gov. Weld created the special advisory commission in April.
  advisory surf 4.28   Heavy surf advisory.
  advisory firm 3.88   A commodity trading advisory firm in Normal, Illinois.
  advisory opinion 1.91   The court generally follows these advisory opinions.
  advisory capacity 1.84   Zampese is expected to be used in some advisory capacity.
  advisory remains 1.58   Atlantic waters A small craft advisory remains in effect.
  advisory business 1.51   Schwab also is trying to build up its investment advisory business.
  advisory team 1.51   Price will serve on the transition advisory team for education.
  advisory fee 1.25   That comes on top of the advisory fees paid to prepare the sale.
  advisory company 1.18   The media advisory company is under contract to help develop and finance the network.
  advisory travel 1.05   The CDC has also issued a travel advisory to people traveling to India.
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