advancing issue 5.92   Advancing issues narrowly led decliners.
  advancing troop 4.54   He said advancing troops found them and started firing.
  advancing age 4.02   Advancing age also echoed through the reading.
  advancing rebel 3.23   And government forces continue to flee when faced with advancing rebels.
  advancing force 2.83   This time, civilians did not run from the advancing military force.
  advancing stock 2.63   Among advancing stocks was Qualcomm.
  advancing year 2.63   Given our advancing years John croquet.
  advancing technology 2.17   --Advancing technology.
  advancing army 1.84   The city fell to the advancing Russian armies.
  advancing air 1.05   As the advancing cool air lifts the hot, muggy air, strong thunderstorms will develop.
  advancing goalkeeper 1.05   But he missed an empty goal, with advancing goalkeeper Aaron Lawrence beaten.
  advancing share 0.86   Advancing shares outpaced decliners by a small amount.
  advancing flame 0.59   Where will the Forest Service make its last stand against the advancing flames?
  advancing soldier 0.59   If the timing is off, the advancing soldiers can be killed by the fire of their comrades.
  advancing government 0.53   In turn, thousands of Serb civilians have fled before the advancing government forces.
  advancing tank 0.53   Some defiant student stands in front of an advancing tank.
  advancing peace 0.46   The slowly advancing peace talks with Syria have started to pit neighbor versus neighbor in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
  advancing column 0.39   Sharm el-Sheik fell to two advancing Israeli columns.
  advancing democracy 0.39   It is not aware of its behavior and thinks it is advancing democracy.
  advancing keeper 0.39   He was foiled by advancing keeper Francesco Toldo.
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