adult be 19.75   Adults are no better.
  adult have 6.32   The adults have time alone.
  adult do 2.96   Adults do it.
  adult take 2.76   Adults should take more precautions, too.
  adult get 2.11   The adults get excited.
  adult use 2.04   This year, adults can use them.
  adult find 1.78   Even adults find it funny.
  adult work 1.45   Most adults work in the oil patch.
  adult go 1.25   The young adults went to the city to work.
  adult need 1.25   Many adults also needed wintertime refresher courses.
  adult say 1.25   Adults sure say the darndest things.
  adult make 1.05   Considerate adults make better neighbors.
  adult buy 0.99   Adults still buy tickets to tennis matches.
  adult sit 0.99   Adults sit on front stoops and chat with neighbors.
  adult die 0.92   Even adults would die.
  adult learn 0.92   The adults learn.
  adult think 0.92   Adults think too much.
  adult want 0.86   Adults may want to lock it.
  adult come 0.79   Four adults came.
  adult develop 0.79   Why do adults develop acne?
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