adoption agency 8.89   This one contacted an adoption agency.
  adoption process 2.96   The adoption process took four days.
  adoption law 1.84   Adoption laws were eventually changed to make the process easier.
  adoption record 1.78   Adoption records now can be opened only by a court order.
  adoption service 1.51   Spence-Chapin funds adoption services.
  adoption program 1.25   Then we read about a local greyhound adoption program.
  adoption paper 1.12   Those three were granted adoption papers.
  adoption procedure 0.99   Other government officials want less police interference and simplified adoption procedures.
  adoption official 0.92   The new trend has adoption officials smiling.
  adoption assistance 0.66   The company offers all employees family medical insurance, adoption assistance and paid maternity leave.
  adoption broker 0.66   He suggested that they take their complaint to the Web adoption broker, Caring Heart Adoption.
  adoption case 0.59   Couples in adoption cases may need a test.
  adoption proceeding 0.59   The adoption proceedings are continuing.
  adoption system 0.59   Romania also plans to revise its adoption system.
  adoption credit 0.46   The act also clarifies how the current adoption credit works.
  adoption expense 0.46   -- Tax credits for adoption expenses and the cost of caring for elderly dependents.
  adoption group 0.46   They join adoption support groups.
  adoption professional 0.46   Around the country, the Polreis case is fueling powerful arguments among adoption professionals.
  adoption rate 0.46   Performance-based contracts with adoption agencies also helped up the adoption rate, Sotomayor said.
  adoption advocate 0.39   Surprisingly, the adoption tax credit has few supporters among adoption advocates.
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