adequate supply 10.40   For now, most have secured adequate supplies.
  adequate protection 7.31   Trigger locks are not adequate protection.
  adequate security 5.46   A large number of homes lack adequate security measures.
  adequate care 4.15   Did Diana get adequate medical care?
  adequate food 3.55   The government must ensure an adequate food supply.
  adequate resource 2.90   We feel we have adequate resources there.
  adequate time 2.83   We have two days, allowing adequate time to tour.
  adequate safeguard 2.70   It would be lifted, he said, once Britain had enforced adequate new safeguards.
  adequate facility 2.37   Are there adequate medical facilities?
  adequate support 2.30   The right to adequate financial support for trainees.
  adequate training 2.30   They require adequate training.
  adequate safety 2.24   The company did not conduct adequate safety tests.
  adequate compensation 2.17   Otherwise they should receive adequate compensation.
  adequate job 2.17   The machine does an adequate job.
  adequate treatment 2.11   Without adequate treatment you have two outcomes.
  adequate information 2.04   Adequate information as to hazards must be provided.
  adequate amount 1.84   Get adequate amounts of calcium-rich foods.
  adequate defense 1.84   The courts ruled Anderson got an adequate defense.
  adequate housing 1.78   They had a hell of a time finding adequate housing.
  adequate measure 1.78   It failed to take adequate measures to stop the violence, the report said.
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