ad campaign 45.75   Ad campaigns are following.
  ad agency 20.54   Half was paid by the ad agency.
  ad revenue 8.89   They are ad revenue.
  ad rate 3.09   The ad rates are highly inflated.
  ad space 2.96   All kinds of ad space there.
  ad sale 2.90   Ad sales are also up.
  ad time 2.90   The third time the ad ran, he had his VCR ready.
  ad budget 2.44   The ad budgets were cut to zero.
  ad dollar 2.24   Ergo no ad dollars.
  ad executive 2.17   Somewhere, an ad executive is smiling.
  ad page 2.11   Ad pages and revenue are up.
  ad litem 2.04   William Helfrecht for the guardian ad litem.
  ad blitz 1.91   Then the ad blitz began.
  ad copy 1.18   The ad copy calls it a biscotti jar.
  ad lib 1.18   Unlike Lipinski, she found a way to ad lib.
  ad man 1.18   That ad man almost lost his job when it appeared.
  ad nauseum 1.18   And the beat goes on, ad nauseum....
  ad market 1.12   Declining prices reflect a tectonic shift in the ad market.
  ad war 1.05   The ad war has already started.
  ad firm 0.92   Atlas is now president of his own ad firm.
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