acrimonious debate 2.11   There followed an acrimonious debate.
  acrimonious exchange 1.58   The dispute has been marked by acrimonious exchanges on both sides.
  acrimonious dispute 1.25   The meeting ended in an acrimonious dispute.
  acrimonious relationship 1.25   I have tried to avoid having an acrimonious relationship.
  acrimonious split 1.25   Now they seem headed for an acrimonious split.
  acrimonious divorce 1.05   He went through an acrimonious divorce.
  acrimonious battle 0.72   Jeffrey Katzenberg came out ahead in the first round of his acrimonious legal battle with Walt Disney Co..
  acrimonious negotiation 0.72   The blackout threw a spotlight on the acrimonious negotiations, which started late last year.
  acrimonious relation 0.46   The case has provoked increasingly acrimonious relations between the two neighbouring countries.
  acrimonious competition 0.39   The agreement is intended to end acrimonious competition between the two groups, notably in Asia.
  acrimonious labor 0.39   Of the Detroit automakers, Ford has recently enjoyed the least acrimonious labor relations.
  acrimonious fight 0.33   Watson said he expects an acrimonious fight in Congress over the plan.
  acrimonious row 0.33   His funeral has been delayed by an acrimonious row over his paternity, with three men claiming to have sired the boxer.
  acrimonious contract 0.26   Rumors had circulated for weeks that the coach might not return because of supposedly acrimonious contract talks.
  acrimonious season 0.26   The relationship between Johnson and Marino became particularly acrimonious last season.
  acrimonious session 0.26   The fight broke out last Thursday after an acrimonious afternoon session had been adjourned.
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