ace inhibitor 4.34   An ACE inhibitor?
  ace pitcher 1.78   Ace pitcher ... and slugger.
  ace bandage 1.51   Or was it a stack of ace bandages?
  ace bowler 0.86   Admittedly, Pakistan was without ace frontline bowler Waqar Younis.
  ace striker 0.72   Ace striker McCarthy has similar trouble.
  ace reliever 0.66   Bobby Cox countered with ace reliever John Rocker.
  ace left-hander 0.53   Ace left-handers.
  ace spinner 0.46   Ace spinner Warne is eager to go after surgery on his finger three months ago.
  ace leg-spinner 0.39   Hooper started the onslaught on the introduction of ace leg-spinner Shane Warne.
  ace batsman 0.33   Ace batsman Sachin Tendulakar was caught by Mark Taylor off Shane Warne for just four runs.
  ace off-spinner 0.33   The ace off-spinner believed he had the edge over the Indian batting genius.
  ace pilot 0.26   Later, he was an ace pilot in the Korean War.
  ace reporter 0.26   Not according to our ace reporter.
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