accord be 30.48   The accord Friday was vague.
  accord call 9.61   The accord calls for sharing information and expertise.
  accord provide 6.65   The Dayton accords provided for elections.
  accord allow 5.07   The accord also allows for Palestinian elections.
  accord sign 4.67   Peace accords signed two years ago put a formal end to the civil war.
  accord give 3.69   The Stream accord gives him a minority stake.
  accord have 3.49   First, though, the Wye accords have to be implemented.
  accord come 3.36   But the accord came apart later.
  accord include 3.23   Any budget accord doubtless will include tax cuts.
  accord reach 3.03   Accord reached on ending civil war.
  accord require 2.90   The accord requires governments to hand over war crimes suspects for trial.
  accord end 2.50   The accord did not end the fighting.
  accord stipulate 2.44   The accord stipulates a resumption of PLO-Israel talks.
  accord cover 2.37   The sweeping accord would cover many domestic fronts.
  accord sign_in 2.37   The accord signed in Arusha, Tanzania, led to a transitional, power-sharing government.
  accord take 2.17   Are the peace accords taking hold?
  accord help 1.84   The accord will help Russia close a yawning budget shortfall.
  accord make 1.78   The accord makes these Cubans non-persons.
  accord leave 1.71   The accord left many questions unanswered.
  accord say 1.71   The accord says only Serb traffic police would be stationed in the area.
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