accomplish goal 21.53   He accomplished both goals.
  accomplish feat 11.26   How can they accomplish this feat?
  accomplish task 6.91   King accomplishes the task.
  accomplish mission 6.71   The mission is accomplished.
  accomplish thing 5.99   I accomplish things.
  accomplish lot 3.29   We accomplished a lot.
  accomplish objective 2.24   He accomplished his objective.
  accomplish work 1.25   But not much work was being accomplished.
  accomplish purpose 1.18   Sometimes even a loss can accomplish your purpose.
  accomplish change 0.86   It does not depend on how the change is accomplished.
  accomplish end 0.72   Would they say they were sorry it took a ruinous strike to accomplish this end?
  accomplish most 0.66   Still, the bank accomplished most of what it set out to do.
  accomplish job 0.59   And so, with a lot of hard work and bold leadership, the job was accomplished.
  accomplish reform 0.59   Only when those questions are answered can meaningful reform be accomplished.
  accomplish cut 0.53   There was always a feeling that budget cuts could be accomplished later.
  accomplish first 0.46   Delightfully she accomplishes the first.
  accomplish merger 0.46   The merger will be accomplished by renaming Guinness as GMG Brands.
  accomplish result 0.46   So far, the GOP has accomplished two results with this bill.
  accomplish transformation 0.46   How to accomplish this transformation?
  accomplish victory 0.46   All three championship victories have been accomplished in overtime.
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