accelerate inflation 10.86   Higher wages can help accelerate inflation.
  accelerate process 7.90   Heat accelerates the process.
  accelerate growth 5.07   Interest rate cuts accelerate economic growth.
  accelerate pace 5.07   You accelerate the pace of your schedule.
  accelerate effort 4.61   The attention seems to have accelerated remediation efforts.
  accelerate plan 2.90   Low loan losses encouraged Johnson to accelerate expansion plans.
  accelerate development 2.37   To compete with other countries, the government must accelerate its development.
  accelerate reform 2.17   The tragedy accelerated reform.
  accelerate trend 2.17   The Internet accelerates this trend.
  accelerate decline 2.04   That accelerated the decline.
  accelerate talk 2.04   Giambusso said he proposed last month that talks be accelerated.
  accelerate negotiation 1.84   Colombia wants its Andean neighbors to accelerate FTAA negotiations.
  accelerate sale 1.58   Slogans, which also help accelerate T-shirt sales.
  accelerate expansion 1.25   Caio intends to accelerate expansion into telecommunications.
  accelerate rate 1.18   Indian batsmen got out trying to accelerate the rate of scoring.
  accelerate timetable 1.18   It accelerates the timetable of decay.
  accelerate movement 1.12   It accelerated the movement of the machine into the domain of nature.
  accelerate work 1.12   IMF policy-makers also promised to accelerate work on other reform proposals.
  accelerate change 0.99   Rather than stopping change, it accelerated change.
  accelerate production 0.99   Compaq are accelerating production in an attempt to meet demand.
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