abuse case 14.81   Some were abuse cases.
  abuse scandal 8.36   Canada has faced devastating sex abuse scandals.
  abuse allegation 6.71   Antioco ridiculed the abuse allegations.
  abuse charge 6.39   A misdemeanor abuse charge was dropped.
  abuse victim 5.79   They were followed by the abuse victims.
  abuse complaint 2.17   Bond was arrested Sunday on a domestic abuse complaint.
  abuse claim 1.97   She has denied the child abuse claims.
  abuse problem 1.71   The islands now have major drug abuse problems and associated crime.
  abuse policy 1.51   Bishops start implementing week-old abuse policy.
  abuse program 1.25   Novacek also gives of his time to drug abuse programs and to the Stay in School campaign.
  abuse crisis 0.92   Other church fund-raising efforts have been hurt by the clergy sexual abuse crisis.
  abuse investigation 0.86   The case came to symbolize the hazards in abuse investigations.
  abuse drug 0.79   But many are illiterate, abuse drugs or alcohol and struggle to find permanent work.
  abuse prevention 0.79   Republicans wanted to gut child abuse prevention and foster care.
  abuse accusation 0.72   Their pleas come despite a finding last year by the judge that the abuse accusations were true.
  abuse report 0.66   Also computerized are things such as child abuse reports.
  abuse lawsuit 0.59   His comments are being used in a sex abuse lawsuit that names all U.S. bishops as defendants.
  abuse crime 0.53   It also lengthens the prison sentences for conviction of a variety of visa and passport abuse crimes.
  abuse issue 0.46   He said he relied heavily on his aides to take care of abuse issues.
  abuse incident 0.39   Prosecutors introduced only a few abuse incidents at trial.
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