abrupt change 6.06   How abrupt change can be.
  abrupt end 5.46   The road came to an abrupt end.
  abrupt halt 4.94   We come to an abrupt halt.
  abrupt departure 2.70   His abrupt departure left her close to collapse.
  abrupt resignation 1.45   The abrupt resignation of its music director.
  abrupt reversal 1.45   It was an abrupt reversal.
  abrupt shift 1.45   It seemed too abrupt a shift in thinking.
  abrupt withdrawal 0.99   The abrupt withdrawal of DFS was awkward for all parties.
  abrupt about-face 0.86   Menswear is doing an abrupt about-face for fall.
  abrupt dismissal 0.79   Abrupt dismissals sometimes leave doctors and nurses without paychecks and insurance.
  abrupt slowdown 0.79   With the abrupt economic slowdown, credit card companies expect more delinquencies and bankruptcies.
  abrupt decision 0.72   That reversed an abrupt decision in December to call off the investigation.
  abrupt cancellation 0.66   Both sides blamed each other for the abrupt cancellation of his trip.
  abrupt stop 0.66   Tonya Harding came to an abrupt stop during skating practice, was the reply.
  abrupt turn 0.59   It performed an abrupt left turn.
  abrupt turnaround 0.59   The cutbacks are an abrupt turnaround for Kirshbaum.
  abrupt rise 0.46   The temperature often begins an abrupt rise.
  abrupt way 0.46   This is a rather abrupt way to come off heroin.
  abrupt close 0.39   On that note the interview was brought to an abrupt close.
  abrupt ending 0.39   They booed and chanted obscenities at the abrupt ending.
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