abet crime 0.86   Charges range from abetting a crime to murder.
  abet infringement 0.59   The record labels sued, asserting Napster abetted copyright infringement, and Patel agreed.
  abet rebel 0.46   If convicted of aiding and abetting the rebels, they could face more than three years in prison.
  abet terrorism 0.46   Their actions were shown to abet terrorism.
  abet abuse 0.39   Sexual abuse is abetted by secrecy.
  abet fugitive 0.39   Poletti was held on charges of aiding and abetting a fugitive.
  abet murder 0.39   Kane and two others caught on video were charged with abetting murder.
  abet sale 0.26   He pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the sale of a stolen vehicle that had crossed state lines.
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