palestinian youth 20.08   Police detained several Palestinian youths.
  local youth 8.56   English clash with local youths.
  black youth 7.97   The killing of a black youth in East Texas.
  the youth 6.45   The other youth escaped.
  troubled youth 5.33   She had a troubled youth.
  muslim youth 4.54   Then came a car carrying four Muslim youths.
  white youth 3.75   White youths remain another story.
  american youth 3.29   Copy this, American youth.
  angry youth 3.29   Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.
  stone-throwing youth 2.76   Israeli police fired tear gas to disperse crowds of stone-throwing youths.
  catholic youth 2.50   Hot, smoggy Paris hosts Catholic youth gathering.
  relative youth 2.50   Also unusual was the relative youth of the winners.
  unemployed youth 2.44   By day, unemployed youths line the streets.
  jewish youth 2.30   So Belzer turned to a Jewish youth group.
  at-risk youth 2.24   We care about at-risk youth.
  church youth 2.24   A leader of a church youth group?
  disadvantaged youth 2.11   Charlestown High in Boston also enrolls disadvantaged youth.
  urban youth 1.97   - Fund a workshop for urban youth.
  armed youth 1.65   Bisciglia remembers the day two armed youths stormed in.
  moslem youth 1.65   Four Moslem youths were taken away by police after the incident, he said.
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