start young 2.04   It starts young.
  raise young 1.38   Still longer before they raise wild young of their own.
  marry young 1.12   Aziza herself married young.
  feed young 0.92   The bird regurgitates to feed its young.
  eat young 0.79   Bears eat their young.
  educate young 0.79   We need to educate our young and learn to love our brothers.
  protect young 0.72   The lioness fought to protect her young.
  rear young 0.72   And both male and female help rear their young.
  produce young 0.66   The four adult pond turtles have already produced young.
  devour young 0.53   Parasites are devouring our young.
  carry young 0.39   Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch.
  have young 0.39   Bears are always fierce when they have young.
  kill young 0.39   Farmers had killed her young.
  think young 0.33   You just have to think young.
  attract young 0.26   Each show is specifically tooled to attract the young.
  bear young 0.26   Harbor seals bear their young on icebergs in front of Johns Hopkins Glacier.
  corrupt young 0.26   It corrupts the young.
  encourage young 0.26   I believe in encouraging the young.
  hatch young 0.26   The platypus is a monotreme, a mammal that lays eggs to hatch its young.
  nurture young 0.26   They nurture the young and care for the old.
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