cause wreck 1.58   A little overanxious driving caused the wrecks.
  find wreck 1.45   Firefighters later found the wreck.
  investigate wreck 0.79   The Highway Patrol still is investigating the wreck and has not yet determined its cause.
  cover wreck 0.66   I covered wrecks when I was a kid reporter.
  locate wreck 0.66   The leak was picked up by a camera on the sonar ship which located the wreck.
  protect wreck 0.59   Special measures will also be taken to legally protect the wreck, Carlsson said.
  have wreck 0.53   But still, he has had two wrecks.
  discover wreck 0.46   Divers discovered the wreck of an old German warship.
  reach wreck 0.46   It was unclear whether the robot reached the wreck.
  salvage wreck 0.46   The air force will decide whether to salvage the wreck, he said.
  see wreck 0.46   Monday saw a wreck.
  avoid wreck 0.39   When Heidfeld regained control of his Sauber, he could only take a line in the grass to avoid the wreck.
  entomb wreck 0.33   The government has suspended a program to entomb the wreck under layers of rock and sand.
  examine wreck 0.33   A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreck.
  explore wreck 0.33   On Thursday, some divers explored the wreck and made a videotape, said spokesman Lt. Stewart Upton.
  prevent wreck 0.33   He saved it in time to prevent a wreck, but fell back into the field.
  raise wreck 0.33   It plans to raise the wreck of the Kursk this fall.
  film wreck 0.26   It would involve mapping and filming the wreck.
  search wreck 0.26   Divers went down to search the wreck.
  spot wreck 0.26   He said an Aeroperu commercial flight spotted the wreck.
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