fear worst 14.29   Fear the worst ...
  expect worst 5.60   Expect the worst.
  fare worst 4.41   Blue chips fared the worst.
  assume worst 3.29   Just assume the worst.
  get worst 3.09   And Guerin got the worst of it.
  see worst 2.70   And we saw the worst.
  avoid worst 2.11   The worst was avoided.
  believe worst 1.91   So they believed the worst.
  have worst 1.71   Golden State has the worst.
  think worst 1.58   I thought the worst.
  do worst 1.51   Which investors do the worst?
  suffer worst 1.25   Palm Beach Gardens suffered the worst.
  suspect worst 0.92   He had suspected the worst.
  imagine worst 0.86   I can only imagine the worst.
  weather worst 0.86   Weather the worst.
  anticipate worst 0.72   I always anticipate the worst.
  escape worst 0.72   He escaped the worst of the indoctrination.
  take worst 0.72   Horses on the outside can take the worst of it.
  save worst 0.66   But we save the worst for last.
  confirm worst 0.53   To confirm his worst suspicions.
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