have worry 15.01   He has no worries.
  express worry 10.86   France expresses worry.
  ease worry 3.62   The deal should ease those worries.
  raise worry 3.36   But it raises other worries.
  reflect worry 2.76   Reflecting the worries over Mexico, investors dumped Mexican stocks Monday.
  cause worry 2.63   But even this idea causes worries.
  prompt worry 2.11   That prompted renewed worries about the cables on Atlantis, he said.
  voice worry 2.11   But the worries are being voiced.
  share worry 1.97   Cline shared his worries.
  dismiss worry 1.84   This last worry cannot be dismissed.
  fuel worry 1.25   That has fueled worry about social unrest should the coffee crisis persist.
  allay worry 1.18   But that did not allay market worries.
  bring worry 1.05   But the fast pace of change also brings worries.
  cite worry 0.99   University of Central Florida economist David Scott cites another worry.
  address worry 0.72   Ruggiero said the best way to address the worries is through the system itself.
  forget worry 0.72   Forget injury worries.
  intensify worry 0.72   But Columbine has intensified those worries.
  offset worry 0.72   Gains in Cementos Diamante offset worries about the stronger peso.
  dispel worry 0.66   But the team he put together soon dispelled the worries.
  soothe worry 0.66   It has done little to soothe worries, Beker said.
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