include works 9.41   The sale included several works by Richter.
  create works 3.29   Artists are creating works for the on-line world.
  feature works 3.29   Galleries feature the works of well-known artists.
  buy works 3.09   He bought works of art.
  sell works 2.63   Sixty folk artists show and sell their works.
  display works 2.50   A dozen teams displayed their works in progress.
  do works 2.44   She did good works.
  perform works 2.37   His works have been performed on Broadway, in Atlanta and on TV.
  produce works 2.17   Only rarely do the painters produce works for themselves, he said.
  publish works 2.04   Had their works been published in Vietnam?
  see works 1.97   Millions saw his works.
  read works 1.84   Milne rarely read his works to his son.
  show works 1.78   At that time were you only showing abstract works?
  have works 1.71   The NHL has works of art.
  present works 1.65   First, in the atrium, it presents monumental works too heavy to be shown elsewhere.
  write works 1.51   He also wrote five works in English.
  translate works 1.45   Xu translated the works of Albert Einstein into Chinese.
  commission works 1.38   They never commissioned works.
  exhibit works 1.38   A gallery is exhibiting his works.
  donate works 1.25   The Loebs donated several works of art to museums.
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